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Homolobus (Phylacter) annulicornis (Nees 1834) ♂ - Braconidae Homolobinae

5.VII.2003 - FRANCIA - EE, Orve (Dipart. Doubs)

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MessaggioInviato: 11/05/2016, 10:39 
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Iscritto il: 22/11/2010, 18:16
Messaggi: 1087
Località: Donzy (Bourgogne : Dipart. Nièvre) - Francia
Nome: Jean-Pierre Balmer
Capture in Cne : Orve (Dépt. Doubs - France) on 05 VII 2003
Biblio :
- van Achterberg 1993 : Illustrated key to the subfamilies of the Braconidae ...
Biblio indicated by H. Dumas :
- van Achterberg 1979 : A revision of the subfamily Zelinae auct. ...
Det. of Genus Homolobus s.l. : H. Dumas
Det. of sub-Genus & species : JP Balmer (Thanks to H. Dumas for her relevant criticisms)
Determination of the 5 sub-genera (see the photo of right Wings) quoted by van Achterberg 1979 :
- Basal 1/3 of vein SR of hindwing mainly pigmented, not sclerotized -> Apatia
- if not ->
    - Vein 1A+2A strongly curved -> Chartolobus
    - Vein 1A+2A almost rectilinear ->
      - Basal 1/3 of vein SR at the most almost weakly curved -> Homolobus or Oulophus
      - Basal 1/3 of vein SR distinctly curved -> Phylacter
Thus our capture is a Phylacter

Determination of the species (see the photo of right Wings) :
- Vein SR rather shortly sclerotized basally -> bifurcatus (Only in China, India, Nepal)
- Vein SR with basal 1/3 wholly sclerotized ->
    - Vein 2-SC+R transverse, longer than wide -> annulicornis
    - Vein 2-SC+R vertical, wider than long -> meridionalis
Thus our capture is an annulicornis

Of where the determination
annulicornis was also captured in Italy

n° 3572 M + ailes (détail) - Lg. environ 8.4 mm - FORUM.jpg

MessaggioInviato: 15/02/2025, 13:22 

Iscritto il: 15/07/2017, 20:02
Messaggi: 1
Nome: Rafael Carbonell
In van Achtenberg 1993, can't find where Apatia is ruled out with the character "Basal 1/3 of vein SR of hindwing mainly pigmented, not sclerotized". It seems you have to look at the tarsal claws.

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